Friday, 3 July 2009

Pause Before the River Card

Players who believe online poker sites are fixed often state there is a pause before the river card and then the miracle card appears, giving a bad beat. Their theory the site is finding the miracle card to deal.
I agree there is sometimes a pause before the river card is dealt, but there is also sometimes a pause before the flop, or on the turn. Often their is a pause before the river card and no miracle card appears.
I have studied this on several sites and in my experience this pause is often there, but goes UN-noticed a majority of the time. It does get noticed however when you have a lot of chips riding on the river card, your taking an increased interest in the game, you are staring at the screen, waiting for the river card to be dealt, what happens when we wait for something ?, it seems to take longer to come.
A suggestion would be to watch every hand you will soon see that pause is their often, it is just heightened when you are involved in a big hand.

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